
Guarding Your Business: Strategies to Combat Today’s Cybersecurity Threats

In the digital age, cybersecurity has emerged as a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. Small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), in particular, often find themselves in the crosshairs of cybercriminals due to perceived vulnerabilities in their security systems. However, with the right strategies and awareness, SMBs can effectively protect themselves from the myriad of…

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Image of a customized inventory management software application.

The Ultimate Guide to Custom Software for Your Business

In an era where technology dictates the pace of business, custom software has emerged as a cornerstone for companies aiming to carve out a competitive edge. Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, custom software is tailor-made to fit the unique requirements of your business, promising not just an improvement in efficiency but also a significant boost in growth….

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The Computer is 2020s Hot Gadget

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to hunker down inside, spending time in front of various screens. From TVs to tablets, many of us have resorted to this form of entertainment to pass the time. Countless people now work from home instead of heading into an office…which means even more screen time. The days…

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Microsoft Achieves Positive Results with Experimental Underwater Datacenter

In 2018, Microsoft deployed a datacenter 117 feet deep in the seafloor off Scotland’s Orkney Islands. For two years, Microsoft team members analyzed and monitored the servers’ operation and dependability. Now covered in algae, barnacles, and sea anemones, the datacenter is back on land. The underwater datacenter was deployed in an effort to remedy equipment…

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5 Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2020

Not long ago, it used to be that your business could get away with just a simple website and a few social media pages to compete in the online marketing space. However, in today’s online environment, it’s not enough. The digital marketing world demands that you always make efforts to get in front of your target…

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